Dedicated to finding every abandoned, neglected or abused animal their “FurEver” home.

Adopting a pet or providing foster care is one of the best ways you can help us find Happy FurEver homes.

Happy FurEver is a North Texas animal rescue. We rescue dogs, horses, and even the occasional kitty, and they often desperately need veterinary care from abuse and/or neglect. We also offer these sweet animals love and companionship on our beautiful farm in Pilot Point, Texas, until they can find their FurEver home. If you are unable to adopt or become a foster, we have several other volunteer opportunities available. Please see our FAQ page for more information, or you can help by donating directly to our cause.

Need to surrender? We may be able to help.

Meet Our Available Pups

  • Patches

    Breed: Staffie
    Age: 3

  • Storm

    Breed: Great Dane
    Age: 1

  • Dickey

    Breed: Lab Mix
    Age: 8mos

  • Rickey

    Breed: Lab Mix
    Age: 8mos

Happy FurEver Success Stories

  • Sweep

    Sweep and his siblings came to us as very shy and nervous pups. Our farm manager worked with them and gave them love. Now, Sweep and Peanut have officially found their FurEver homes.

  • Stella

    Stella came to us when her owner hit hard times, which caused an out-of-state move for them. She is the sweetest girl and is now being loved on by her new owner every day in her FurEver home.

  • Duke

    Not all rescues can have their Happy FurEver, but this boy got to live out 4 months of peace and happiness before he was called upon to cross the Rainbow Bridge. You will always be remembered.

  • Elsa

    Elsa was found wandering the streets with badly burned pads in the summer heat. After some TLC, she found her FurEver home and is now living her best life with her new owners and furry friends.

  • Luckie

    Luckie settled right into life on the farm after being given up by owners who truly loved her but had run into health problems. Luckie found her FurEver home and is loved daily by her new owners.


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