Meet Our Permanent Residents

While we strive to find every animal that comes to the farm a FurEver home, there are times when an animal has touched our hearts in a way that makes it too difficult for us to give them up. As such, Dutch and Duchess have become a permanent part of our family and will live out the rest of their days being well-loved by our farm manager, Carl Hill.

  • Duchess is an 11-year-old Great Dane. She was used as a breeding dog and has delivered numerous litters. She came to us in a terrible way, weighing just 62lbs with a 10-month-old pup at foot. Duchess has lived a terrible life. She was chained to a car for years, and during this time, she received numerous injuries, including a broken back leg which was left to heal on its own, all while she was still being chained up. We are so grateful to be able to help this older girl out, and what a girl she is. Although she lived the life she did, not a day goes by that this girl is not grateful to be alive and living her best life. After being spayed and having numerous vet visits, Duchess is now 108lbs and a very happy, healthy dog living the rest of her life on our farm.

  • Dutch is an 8-year-old Labrador cross. Dutch was a part of a big rescue mission. We got the news that 4 dogs were trapped in the upstairs of an abandoned house. As you can imagine, the house was a mess, and, unfortunately, due to the dogs urinating, the upstairs ceiling caved in causing injuries to the dogs. With help from the local sheriff, we managed to contain them and brought them all to the farm. Dutch has touched so many hearts since he got here. Dutch will always be on the farm, happily getting the humans to come see us here at Happy FurEver.

  • Bentley is a 14-year-old Retriever Mix. He came to us as a duo with Stella. Unfortunately, the owner hit hard times which caused an out-of-state move for them. Bentley and Stella are both truly loved by their owners, and we are happy to help in any way we can. Bentley is an elderly dog with a few lumps and bumps. He is great with other dogs, but a little more grumpy in his old age, so we decided to give him a permanent home on the farm.